jetpack 4.3
Deepstream 4
I am experiencing unbalanced CPU usage - 90% on CPU1 but only 7-15% on the other CPUs
This is sometimes causing CPU stalls on CPU0 and reboots of the unit
What problem does high CPU0 usage point to?
Are there other logs / test I can look at?
RAM 6570/31919MB (lfb 5621x4MB) SWAP 0/15959MB (cached 0MB) CPU [100%@2265,20%@2265,57%@2265,8%@2265,9%@2265,11%@2265,11%@2265,7%@2265] EMC_FREQ 41%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 99%@1377 NVDEC 1190 NVDEC1 1190 APE 150 MTS fg 2% bg 0% AO@37C GPU@43.5C Tdiode@40.75C PMIC@100C AUX@35C CPU@40C thermal@39.1C Tboard@35C GPU 18424/12692 CPU 3224/762 SOC 7062/5989 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 2456/1815 SYS5V 3588/3144
RAM 6571/31919MB (lfb 5621x4MB) SWAP 0/15959MB (cached 0MB) CPU [100%@2265,20%@2265,12%@2265,12%@2265,9%@2265,9%@2265,13%@1278,12%@2265] EMC_FREQ 45%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 99%@1377 NVDEC 1190 NVDEC1 1190 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 1% AO@37C GPU@43.5C Tdiode@41C PMIC@100C AUX@35.5C CPU@39.5C thermal@39.1C Tboard@35C GPU 18278/12692 CPU 1843/762 SOC 7068/5989 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 2458/1815 SYS5V 3588/3144
RAM 6571/31919MB (lfb 5621x4MB) SWAP 0/15959MB (cached 0MB) CPU [100%@2265,15%@2265,11%@2265,33%@2265,18%@2265,10%@2265,9%@2265,9%@2265] EMC_FREQ 46%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 78%@1377 NVDEC 1190 NVDEC1 1190 APE 150 MTS fg 1% bg 0% AO@37C GPU@44C Tdiode@41.5C PMIC@100C AUX@35.5C CPU@40C thermal@39.1C Tboard@35C GPU 18424/12692 CPU 2763/762 SOC 7216/5989 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 2457/1815 SYS5V 3582/3144
RAM 6571/31919MB (lfb 5621x4MB) SWAP 0/15959MB (cached 0MB) CPU [100%@2265,18%@2265,15%@2265,6%@2265,39%@2265,9%@2265,7%@2265,8%@2265] EMC_FREQ 47%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 99%@1377 NVDEC 1190 NVDEC1 1190 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 0% AO@37.5C GPU@44.5C Tdiode@41.75C PMIC@100C AUX@36C CPU@40C thermal@39.75C Tboard@35C GPU 18577/12692 CPU 2304/762 SOC 7065/5989 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 2457/1815 SYS5V 3588/3144
RAM 6571/31919MB (lfb 5621x4MB) SWAP 0/15959MB (cached 0MB) CPU [100%@2265,21%@2265,20%@2265,12%@2265,14%@2265,9%@2265,15%@2265,6%@2265] EMC_FREQ 47%@2133 GR3D_FREQ 99%@1377 NVDEC 1190 NVDEC1 1190 APE 150 MTS fg 0% bg 0% AO@38C GPU@44.5C Tdiode@41.75C PMIC@100C AUX@36C CPU@40C thermal@39.45C Tboard@35C GPU 18585/12692 CPU 1689/762 SOC 7068/5989 CV 0/0 VDDRQ 2458/1815 SYS5V 3588/314
cpu_stall_reboot.txt (5.1 KB)
2_cpu_stall.txt (7.0 KB)
cpu-stall.txt (5.8 KB)
syslog_cpu_stalls.txt (356.4 KB)
syslog_cpustall2.txt (4.7 MB)