Uninstall Nvidia SDK manager


This is driving me crazy. How do I uninstall nvidia SDK manager from my Linux Mint (ubuntu) laptop?

I keep getting desktop notifications that it has been updated which are annoying and no matter how much I google or read the docs there is no info on how to uninstall it completely.

Please help (not uninstalling components but the whole manager rather)

Hi @joshua.raphael,

Have you followed the instructions found in our documentation?


Hi Tom,

Thanks for the reply. I would like to remove the whole SDKmanager not just a product. Do you mind giving me the command? Thanks

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Hi Joshua,

Uninstall with apt / apt-get / dpkg. sudo apt purge sdkmanager.
Let me know if you still have issues.



Hi @joshua.raphael,

Did the solution provided above solve your issue?

Hi Tom yes thanks not sure why I lost myself in complexity there

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