Uninstall or delete the SDK manager


I have installed the SDK manager on host in a wrong way, I tried to fix it by $ apt --fix-broken install but it didn’t work. Now I want to delete or uninstalled it completely. and then install it in a correct way.

  1. I tried to launch SDK manger to uninstall, it gave the warning of ’ The system does not meet the minimum requirements. Please use headless (CLI) mode for better experience. Get started with sdkmanager --help.’
    I open it anyway, and under the installation step numbers, click the ‘Update / Uninstall’ hyperlink but I got the notification of ‘No SDKs are installed’.
  2. I used $sudo apt remove ./sdkmanager_[version]-[build#]_amd64.deb but I got errors of ‘E: Unmet dependencies. Try ‘apt --fix-broken install’ with no packages (or specify a solution)’ and ‘E: Unsupported file ./sdkmanager_1.7.1-8928_amd64.deb given on commandline’

How can I do the uninstallation or fully delete the sdk manager?

Thank you

I can’t answer, but something relevant to anyone who does answer: Which version of Linux is this installed on? Example, Ubuntu 18.04 with desktop PC architecture. Another way to answer that is the output of “uname -a”. Whoever answers will want that information.

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