Uninstall Python 3.8 on Jetson Nano to Run DLR Module

I can’t seem to uninstall Python 3.8.

When I run compgen -c python I get:

  1. python
  2. python3.8-config
  3. python3.8
  4. python-config
  5. python3m-config
  6. python2
  7. python3m
  8. python3-config
  9. python2-config
  10. python3.7
  11. python3.8
  12. python3.6-config
  13. python2.7
  14. python3.7m
  15. python3
  16. python3-pbr
  17. python3.6m
  18. python
  19. python2.7-config
  20. python3-unit2
  21. python3.6
  22. python3.6m-config

I want to uninstall and delete Python 3.8 since I’m trying launch my DLR library in Python 3.7. I’ve tried setting my default python version to Python 3.7 and I already have the DLR module installed within the site-packages of Python 3.7. Despite this, it seems like greengrassv1 is trying to look for the DLR module in Python 3.8 instead of Python3.7.


Do you install greengrassv1 that have python3.7 support?
It’s common that you need to install a different package for a specific python version.


Yes I it does support python3.7.

There is no update from you for a period, assuming this is not an issue any more.
Hence we are closing this topic. If need further support, please open a new one.


It seems that you have filed another topic for the python issue.
Have you fixed this yet?
