Upgrade Jetpack without reflashing?

Is it possible to update a Nano using repositories and .deb files, rather than flashing a new SD card?
I am interested in the new jetsion-io utility
My current version:


  • NVIDIA Jetson NANO/TX1
    • Jetpack 4.2 [L4T 32.1.0]
    • CUDA GPU architecture 5.3
    • NV Power Mode: MAXN - Type: 0
  • Libraries:
    • CUDA 10.0.166
    • cuDNN
    • TensorRT
    • Visionworks
    • OpenCV 3.2.0 compiled CUDA: NO
  • Jetson Performance: inactive

Hi hearnsj,

We’re support OTA update start from JetPack-4.3 (r32.3.1).
Please use JetPack-4.3, the jetson-io utility is also works on this version.

Thankyou Carol. I shall flash a new card and look forward to using the new release!

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