USB3.0 Compliance Testing With TX2 failed


We Followed the topic USB3.0 Compliance Testing With TX2
and the tuning guide in DLC: to do USB3.0 compliance testing with the TX2 and our carrier board.
But we can’t be implemented
Our carrier board’s USB block as follow

When we test on USB3.0 Type A port use the follow jack,got an abnormal USB signal on the right as follow

Hi, which port do you mean, USBSS0? Can you see this on devkit? Which lane mapping do you set? There is a mux setting between USBSS0 and PEX1, have you set the mux to USBSS0?

Yes,the port is USBSS0
ODMDATA=0x1090000 while flashing for Jetson TX2 for configuration 2 follow this table

And have set the mux to USBSS0 yet.

Do you have a devkit to try the test? If it works on devkit, then it should be the custom board

I have used devkit test,it failed the same,the soft version is R32.5.1.

Are you saying that

  1. Issue can reproduced on devkit

  2. With the default setting (config 2), you cannot enter compliance mode on devkit? But the normal usb work is ok?

Yes,When I reproduced on devkit With the default setting (config 2), I cannot enter compliance mode on devkit. But the normal usb work is ok.

Are you sure you are using jetson tx2 devkit but not running TX2-NX ?

Yes,I used jetson tx2 devkit,as follow show

Can you describe the commands are you using?

I followed step by step as below

The post you are referring to was 4 years ago.
Please check Jetson TX2 Series Interface Tuning and Compliance Testing Guide App Note document from the download center to prevent anything gets missing.

I see,we have checked the tuning guide in DLC:
from page 16 as below,got the same result.

Do you see any error coming out from devmem2 or dmesg after you run these commands?

No,have no error coming out from devmem2 and dmesg

Can you try some early jetpack release like rel-32.3.1 or rel-32.2.1 and see if you still have such error?

I have tested on R28.2.0,failed too.

Hi, have you confirm DUT is in compliance mode by checking XUSB_XHCI_OP_PORTSC[8:5] =
Ah? The compliance test had been validated on devkit and other custom designs, it should work on devkit at least. If not, it looks more like settings issue, please check your test setup carefully including test fixture and oscilloscope setup.

Yes,we have checked the tuning guide in DLC:
from page 16 as below,got the same result.

So the XUSB_XHCI_OP_PORTSC[8:5] is Ah or not? Did you check the fixture and oscilloscope setup? Do you have another TX2 devkit to repro this?