Please provide complete information as applicable to your setup.
• Hardware Platform (Jetson / GPU) Jetson Xavier NX
• DeepStream Version DeepStream 6.0
• JetPack Version (valid for Jetson only) 4.6
• TensorRT Version 8.0.1-1
• Issue Type( questions, new requirements, bugs) questions
• Requirement details( This is for new requirement. Including the module name-for which plugin or for which sample application, the function description)
Hi, I am currently using ffmpeg with sample_apps/deepstream-app to stream the result of the deepstream_app on the custom web page. However, am having troubling with handling the rtsp output that the deepstream-app generates with the ffmpeg.
For some reason, when I run “ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i ‘rtsp://localhost:8080/ds-test’ -f mpeg1video -b:v 4000k -maxrate 4000k -bufsize 4000k -an -vcodec h264”, the ffmpeg prints out “[h264 @ 0x55a18a8280] decode_slice_header error”…