Using ISP outside nvarguscamerasrc

Is the ISP used on the Jetson platform exposed in a way so I can use it myself outside nvarguscamerasrc.

I can see hints of such ISP sourcecode at this post

Somewhere deep inside this is mentioned:
src/algorithms/ae/ae_stats_utils.cpp, function NvIspAeCalcMaxRGBHistogramsFromLac1()

But I am unable to locate this function in my device and online.

I would love to access this functionality directly with my custom Bayer data.

It this perhaps just a peek of some closed source parts.


hello TAX,

sorry, we don’t public release the ISP code.

How do we go about getting access under NDA?

We only support using ISP engine in Argus. The source has to be Bayer sensor and follow sensor driver programming guide to program sensor driver and device tree. Non-Bayer camera source is not supported.

For custom Bayer data, one possible solution is to put the data into CUDA buffer and implement de-bayering logic through CUDA. To use GPU engine for de-bayering.

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