I am trying to build and run docker containers on my jetson nano. However, something seems not to be set up correctly, and I get error messages.
I set up the jetson nano as described in nvidia.com/jetsonnano-start. As the JetPack comes with docker, I don’t need to install it. When executing
$ docker run jupyter/minimal-notebook
the image is pulled as expected, but then I get the error message
standard_init_linux.go:211: exec user process caused "exec format error"
When building a docker file based on the minimal-notebook, the docker command WORKDIR works, but upon execution of RUN, I get the same error message. docker run hello-world and docker container run alpine echo “Hello World” work nicely.
[I already posted this on SO: ubuntu - Docker on nvidia Jetson Nano not executing - Stack Overflow but since found out I don’t have to install docker]
Has anyone seen and solved a similar issue?