Using TensorRT with Python 3.9 on Jetson Nano

As Python 3.6 is near its EOL, I want to upgrade to Python 3.9 on my Jetson Nano.
I’ve successfully installed Python 3.9 via the deadsnake repo, rebuilt OpenCV and PyTorch, but I’m stuck at TensorRT.

I have tensorrt- under /usr/lib/python3.6/dist-packages, but it’s not usable for Python 3.9 as far as I understand. I cannot find any TensorRT download package for ARM architecture on the website. What should I do here?

Ubuntu 18.04
CUDA 10.0
Python 3.9.9


You will need to compile the pybinding source for python 3.9.
However, this feature is supported in the recent TensorRT release.

So please update your environment with JetPack 4.6 and build it with below link:


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Thank you for your prompt reply. Will try right away.

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