Using ZED 2 video streams with Deepstream 6.0 YOLO 3 model using gstreamer

Here is a video that shows how to use the Video streams from the ZED 2 stereo camera with Deepstream 6.0 YOLO 3 model using gstreamer.
Link to GitHub repo with Gstreamer examples:

Very interesting, thanks for your sharing!

There is Depth data in the ZED Deepstream pipeline but I could not figure out how to extract it out.
I know it can be done, it’s just that my skill level isn’t up to it.

What I have done is use this example:

It’s not deepstream but It’s more on the level I can comprehend to extract depth data out of the stream.
The only issue is that you need at least the AGX Orin to be able to run at 32 FPS .

Joe Valdivia