Hello, we now use the nx module to connect 4 cameras. our program is made by v4l2.
When a program is stress-test(streamon, streamclose), the CPU occupies 100%. and program freezes.
you may try using renice utility to configure the program to have higher priority, this should ensure your program to grant CPU resources.
however, this looks unreal use-case, stress tool intent to fully occupy CPU resources.
there shows discarding frame messages, which is VI driver side to drop capture buffers due to unsuccessful capture state.
have you try using renice utility to configure the program to have higher priority, is this helps?
there’re some fixes check-in to refine buffer handling for Xavier series driver.
is it possible for moving to latest release, i.e. JetPack-4.6.3/ L4T 32.7.3 for testing?
just for confirmation. could you please check this is related to CPU heavy loading. is it continuous stream-on/off to increase the CPU usage?
in other words, please narrow down the issue, please check you have good camera stability. is your normal camera stream use-case works as expect?
we’ll also gather resources to setup an environment to reproduce the issue locally.
please refer to developer guide, Approaches for Validating and Testing the V4L2 Driver.
you may check… $ v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --list-formats-ext for your sensor supported formats.
please see-also below sample pipelines to test your stream, please update the settings with your sensor supported formats accordingly.
for example, $ v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video0 --set-fmt-video=width=1920,height=1080,pixelformat=RG10 --set-ctrl bypass_mode=0 --stream-mmap --stream-count=100
we cannot reproduce the same failure.
the test script also execute v4l pipelines to test camera stream repeatedly, it’s passing 1000 test cycles without failures.
in addition, our test results show consistency CPU loading, it keeps around 2% CPU usage.
may I know who’s the camera vendor, you may contact with them for digging into sensor side.
>> What’s the difference between 4.4.1 and 4.6.1
you may check release note for details, it basically bug fixes for kernel and also pre-built binaries.
>> Does it matter if I apply 4.4.1 to the 4.6.1 driver?
it may not works, because there’s version dependency between kernel layer and user-space.
>> We ran a new test with JETPACK 5.0.2 and no errors occurred.
this is great news.
however, JP-4.6.x and JP-5.0.x were using different kernel version. i.e. k-4.9 v.s. k-5.10.
besides, is it possible for using the latest JetPack release for development?