I just bought a Ampack wifi module and plugged into the M.2 slot, and my Jetson Agx Xavier was not able to detect it. and I notice that you have this issue related to PCIe where the 3.3v is not there, does the PCIe slot and the M.2 share the same powergate ?
# cat /sys/kernel/debug/powergate
powergate powered
aud no
disp yes
dispb no
dispc no
ispa no
nvdeca no
nvjpg no
nvenca no
nvencb no
nvdecb no
sax no
ve no
vic no
xusba yes
xusbb no
xusbc yes
pciex8a no
pciex4a no
pciex1a yes
nvl no
pciex8b no
pvaa no
pvab no
dlaa no
dlab no
cv no
gpu no