I tried to follow a PDF procedure for VIA Microservices that I got from Nvidia support. So, after generating keys I did following steps:
I tried to follow a PDF procedure for VIA Microservices that I got from Nvidia support. So, after generating keys I did following steps:
Could you try that with sudo
sudo docker pull nvcr.io/metropolis/via-dp/via-engine:2.0-dp
sudo docker pull nvcr.io/metropolis/via-dp/via-engine:2.0-dp
[sudo] password for user:
There’s one more thing I should probably mention: I didn’t go ahead with the key for OpenAI. I need to avoid using OpenAI because of the confidential data that we will process. And we want to process them only locally with our hardware.
Have you set the rootless-mode when you install NVIDIA Container Toolkit?
Please refer to the https://forums.developer.nvidia.com/t/visual-ai-agentsv/306674/10.
I had to use sudo for both of following commands:
I don’t know whether it’s a good idea to use sudo. I also proceeded with the steps for rootless-mode but I still need to use sudo for the pull to begin.
when I use following command I get an error - no CUDA GPU available. Well, I have Gerofce RTX 4090 on this computer. Is it really the error message that I should get? Maybe I would expect something insufficient GPU memory or something related insufficient hardware.
Could you check your CUDA environment first by referring to the pytorch-says-that-cuda-is-not-available-on-ubuntu?
The possible reason for this problem is that your preparation has not been done well. Please refer to our Guide step by step to install the driver, docker and NVIDIA Container Toolkit correctly.
Install the NVIDIA Driver.
Well, I didn’t want to uninstall the later version of driver that I had because I didn’t want to jeopardize the function of my Omniverse applications. Well I did it now and then I tried to carry out the installation of NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-535.161.08.run using following commands:
and I got following error:
You are using RTX 4090 card. You need to find the appropriate driver for your card. The link in our file is for the Supported products.
For any one who encounters the same error you should install GCC 12 instead of GCC 11 which is default on Ubuntu 22.04. Follow the Medium 2 steps on this page:
And now Installation of drivers for Geforce RTX 4090. I noticed that your drivers include cuda toolkit 12.2 so I found a page describing the installation steps for laptop version of Geforce RTX 4080. So, I hope the driver is going to suport the desktop version of RTX 4090 as well since desktop RTX4090 is in the list of supported devices for driver version 535.171.04:
Plus, according to our guide, you need to guarantee the 65+ GB system memory and 40+ GB GPU memory.
Can you make sure that your laptop meets this requirement first?
As per documentation, VIA is only supported on the following GPUs: A6000, L40, L40s, A100, H100.
I was out of office for some time now.
Well, as I already mentioned it’s Geforce RTX 4090 that I’ve been using so far. The other spec. is most likely OK. It’s a workstation with 2 CPUs of 48 CPU cores in total and RAM of 384 GB. So GPU memory is out of spec. because it’s only 24GB.
When your script finds out that GPU memory is less than 40 GB it switches the VLM batch size to 1. So, I was hoping that I cloud demo the VIA Microservices to other co-workers of mine even if I don’t get 30 FPS or if there is some other kind of latency that would be unacceptable in real application.
see also:
It seems to require deepstream plugin for gstreamer the this require TensorRT support. I found metropolis deepstream 6.4 installation instructions for Ubuntu 22.04 and it requires impossible combination of cuda toolkit 12.2 and TensorRT 8.6.1 (this version seem to be compatible with cuda toolkit 12.0 and 12.1)
So, it seems that I have to give up.
Since a very important event is coming very soon in our facility (November 6th and 7th). I don’t think I can get approval to rent a cloud server with appropriate GPU soon enough. It’s not only a purchase request. It also includes security approval which takes a lot of time in here.
So, is there any other way to make a demo for my co-workers. Would you be eventually willing to make a teams video conference via Microsoft Teams and make a short interactive introduction. Like you could let my co-workers give their own prompts to some video feeds.
And I also need to know whether you have a version of VIA Microservices for Nvidia Jetsons and which Jetson product would be the minimum requirement for a good operation results.
In case of the graphics card I prefer to purchase RTX A6000 because I also deal with animations and visualizations in Omniverse applications.
Nevertheless, before I can ask to purchase any hardware or enterprise account for VIA services I have to prove that it’s going to work and its useful.
So, if you have any idea how you can help me to convince the others that this is a very useful product, I’d be delighted to do my best to make it happen.
Sure jiri_mikulka, please DM me an email address that I can reach out to you through.