nvidia@tegra-ubuntu:~/jetson-inference/build/aarch64/bin$ ./imagenet-camera googlenet
args (2): 0 [./imagenet-camera] 1 [googlenet]
[gstreamer] initialized gstreamer, version
[gstreamer] gstCamera attempting to initialize with GST_SOURCE_NVCAMERA
[gstreamer] gstCamera pipeline string:
nvcamerasrc fpsRange=“30.0 30.0” ! video/x-raw(memory:NVMM), width=(int)1280, height=(int)720, format=(string)NV12 ! nvvidconv flip-method=0 ! video/x-raw ! appsink name=mysink
[gstreamer] gstCamera successfully initialized with GST_SOURCE_NVCAMERA
imagenet-camera: successfully initialized video device
width: 1280
height: 720
depth: 12 (bpp)
imageNet – loading classification network model from:
– prototxt networks/googlenet.prototxt
– model networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel
– class_labels networks/ilsvrc12_synset_words.txt
– input_blob ‘data’
– output_blob ‘prob’
– batch_size 2
[TRT] TensorRT version 4.0.2
[TRT] desired precision specified for GPU: FASTEST
[TRT] requested fasted precision for device GPU without providing valid calibrator, disabling INT8
[TRT] native precisions detected for GPU: FP32, FP16
[TRT] selecting fastest native precision for GPU: FP16
[TRT] attempting to open engine cache file networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel.2.1.GPU.FP16.engine
[TRT] loading network profile from engine cache… networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel.2.1.GPU.FP16.engine
[TRT] device GPU, networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel loaded
[TRT] device GPU, CUDA engine context initialized with 2 bindings
[TRT] networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel input binding index: 0
[TRT] networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel input dims (b=2 c=3 h=224 w=224) size=1204224
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1204224 bytes, CPU 0x101540000 GPU 0x101540000
[TRT] networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel output 0 prob binding index: 1
[TRT] networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel output 0 prob dims (b=2 c=1000 h=1 w=1) size=8000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 8000 bytes, CPU 0x101740000 GPU 0x101740000
device GPU, networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel initialized.
[TRT] networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel loaded
imageNet – loaded 1000 class info entries
networks/bvlc_googlenet.caffemodel initialized.
default X screen 0: 1366 x 768
[OpenGL] failed to create X11 Window.
imagenet-camera: failed to create openGL display
loaded image fontmapA.png (256 x 512) 2097152 bytes
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 2097152 bytes, CPU 0x101940000 GPU 0x101940000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 8192 bytes, CPU 0x101742000 GPU 0x101742000
[gstreamer] gstreamer transitioning pipeline to GST_STATE_PLAYING
Available Sensor modes :
2592 x 1944 FR=30.000000 CF=0x1109208a10 SensorModeType=4 CSIPixelBitDepth=10 DynPixelBitDepth=10
2592 x 1458 FR=30.000000 CF=0x1109208a10 SensorModeType=4 CSIPixelBitDepth=10 DynPixelBitDepth=10
1280 x 720 FR=120.000000 CF=0x1109208a10 SensorModeType=4 CSIPixelBitDepth=10 DynPixelBitDepth=10
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> mysink
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> capsfilter1
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> nvvconv0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> capsfilter0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> nvcamerasrc0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from NULL to READY ==> pipeline0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> capsfilter1
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> nvvconv0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> capsfilter0
[gstreamer] gstreamer stream status CREATE ==> src
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> nvcamerasrc0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> pipeline0
[gstreamer] gstreamer msg new-clock ==> pipeline0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> capsfilter1
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> nvvconv0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> capsfilter0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> nvcamerasrc0
NvCameraSrc: Trying To Set Default Camera Resolution. Selected sensorModeIndex = 1 WxH = 2592x1458 FrameRate = 30.000000 …
[gstreamer] gstreamer stream status ENTER ==> src
[gstreamer] gstreamer msg stream-start ==> pipeline0
imagenet-camera: camera open for streaming
[gstreamer] gstCamera onPreroll
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1382400 bytes, CPU 0x101b40000 GPU 0x101b40000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1382400 bytes, CPU 0x101d40000 GPU 0x101d40000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1382400 bytes, CPU 0x101f40000 GPU 0x101f40000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1382400 bytes, CPU 0x102140000 GPU 0x102140000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1382400 bytes, CPU 0x102340000 GPU 0x102340000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1382400 bytes, CPU 0x102540000 GPU 0x102540000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1382400 bytes, CPU 0x102740000 GPU 0x102740000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1382400 bytes, CPU 0x102940000 GPU 0x102940000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1382400 bytes, CPU 0x102b40000 GPU 0x102b40000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1382400 bytes, CPU 0x102d40000 GPU 0x102d40000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1382400 bytes, CPU 0x102f40000 GPU 0x102f40000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1382400 bytes, CPU 0x103140000 GPU 0x103140000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1382400 bytes, CPU 0x103340000 GPU 0x103340000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1382400 bytes, CPU 0x103540000 GPU 0x103540000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1382400 bytes, CPU 0x103740000 GPU 0x103740000
[cuda] cudaAllocMapped 1382400 bytes, CPU 0x103940000 GPU 0x103940000
[cuda] gstreamer camera – allocated 16 ringbuffers, 1382400 bytes each
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from READY to PAUSED ==> mysink
[gstreamer] gstreamer msg async-done ==> pipeline0
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> mysink
[gstreamer] gstreamer changed state from PAUSED to PLAYING ==> pipeline0
[cuda] gstreamer camera – allocated 16 RGBA ringbuffers