I use Solidworks Visualize 2022 edition and I just downloaded Nvidia vMaterials.
I installed application but I not found where the mdl files are in SW Visualize.
Could you help me please ?
I use Solidworks Visualize 2022 edition and I just downloaded Nvidia vMaterials.
I installed application but I not found where the mdl files are in SW Visualize.
Could you help me please ?
Hallo @be15
If Solidworks Visualise 2022 and vMaterials are installed correct. You still have to tell SW where vMaterials are located.
Please use our documentation. Step 3 is where you should be right now.
Just continue with the following steps and you will be able to work with vMaterials in SW.
Best regards
Hi Maik,
Thank you for this answer.
The problem is I don’t knew where is the Nvidia Vmaterials folder was installed. Now, i found the folder in my documents and place in the correct place to Solidworks Visualize.
Also, I have two other questions :
1 - Do you know why it is not possible to see the rendering on littles sample on right on my screen.
I only have this problem on Nvidia Vmaterials.
On all appearances included In Solidworks Visulize, I have not this.
I attached screen share
2 - Why the number of appearances are not the same between windows folder and Solidworks Visualize (Paint for example) ?
Thank you
Hi @be15 ,
All the thumbnails for the new appearances will be generated automatically. This takes extra computing time and may slow down rendering in the viewport. After a while you should be able to see the thumbnails.
There are a lot of materials So it will take a bit of time.
I noticed that you use an older version of vMaterials. Try also 2.1. https://developer.nvidia.com/vmaterials
What you see now in SW is only the mdl file. These files contain all the appearances. E.g. Chalk_Paint.mdl contains all chalk paint appearances. SW should show them one by one with their respective thumbnails as in Windows Explorer. So don’t worry about a missing match or a failed installation because materials are missing.
Please get back to me if they will not generate.
Have a nice weekend.
Hi Maik,
I installed v2.0 because 2.1 is access denied.
Also, the materials are not generate since last week. I kept my computer On during the week end but nothing more.
Wh ais the difference between AEC and Design files ?
Hi @be15 ,
I tested 2.1 and the only thing was that I need a sign-in with the mail address. I think you have to join the Developer program to get access. What happens if you press the Developer button you got on the Access Denied page?
About the generation of the thumbnails. Let me contact a colleague who should know better and try the documentation from Solidworks, too. vMaterials is a material library and we provide an installer but how vMaterials is implemented in third-party applications depends on the development of the company that provides the software that you use.
The difference between AEC and Design: AEC stands for Architecture Engineering Construction and in this relation, we provided in v1.7 materials for these areas, and for Design, there are all visual product-related materials. Since 2.0 we rebuilt the material library without the folder structure but we added keywords inside of the mdls. So that the third-party application can implement a search function that makes use of our keyword system, which is more precise and makes sense while vMaterials is uprising the amount of the materials.
Best regards