I too am using dual GTX 1080Ti’s in NVIDIA2NVIDIA Prime for a 7-display setup.
for whatever reason I haven’t needed to understand yet, only 1 GPU is able to successfully connect to the ‘graphics queue’ it likes to complain about.
I was able to solve the issue by installing this project, which just adds an additional Vulkan layer that enables choosing a specific GPU for each process.
I wrote a wrapper script that I use to launch games/wine/vkcube:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# vkgpu.bash
# wrapper to launch vulkan using correct gpu
# on dual Nvidia gpu system using Nvidia2Nvidia PRIME
# NOTE: will only work with exactly 2 dGPUs unless
# gpu number is passed manually
# usage: vkgpu.bash [gpuid] <vulkan executable>
# gpuid is 0 or 1
# vulkan executable is path to app to launch
builtin declare -x ENABLE_DEVICE_CHOOSER_LAYER=1
if [ $1 = 0 ] || [ $1 = 1 ]; then
builtin shift
# adjust this to the sysfs path of your gpu1 + /boot_vga
# if gpu0 is the gpu in use, this value will be 0
# and if gpu1 is in use, this will be 1, so it
# ends up being exactly the value needed
builtin echo Running ${@} using vulkan on GPU${VULKAN_DEVICE_INDEX}
builtin exec "${@}" 2>&1 &
You can also export those values in your ~/.bashrc so all apps launch with the correct GPU. If you do this, you can still override it on a per-command basis by prefixing the launch command with VULKAN_DEVICE_INDEX=“”, e.g.
VULKAN_DEVICE_INDEX=0 /usr/bin/wine explorer
Hope it helps, because this issue drove me nuts for months until I finally figured it out. Cheers!