We need letter of volatility (LOV) or statement of volatility (SOV)

I need letter of volatility (LOV) or statement of volatility (SOV) for these 3 network switches:

  1. Nvidia Mellanox MSN3700-CS2R
  2. Nvidia Mellanox MSN4600-CS2R
  3. Nvidia Mellanox MSN4700-WS2R

A Statement or Letter of Volatility is a specification issued by device manufacturers. Its main function is to outline the volatile and non-volatile nature of the memory on the device. Users can refer to this to comply with security requirements and as a guide when handling the device.

This generally includes the following information:

  • list of all volatile and non-volatile memory components or locations
  • nature of data that is stored in the memory
  • whether the memory is accessible by the user
  • how the data can be erased or sanitized

You will need to approach support in order to obtain these.

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Hello anonymous123,

Thank you for posting your inquiry on the NVIDIA Developer Forum - Infrastructure and Networking - Section.

For obtaining a letter of Volatility for the mentioned products, please open a support case. We will provide you the letter through the support ticket.

Thank you and regards,
~NVIDIA Networking Technical Support

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