When I open my workstation, 'mst status -v' can find clear Bluefield at first. However, few minutes later, disappeared with dmesg error

And then

dmesg log:

Ask for help!!! I’m totally desperate. I cannot graduate without using this card, long story, lots of effort and 2 days to locate the problem. Should I add more fans to my workstation? Anyway based on the errors.

Hi ,

Please refer to the Bluefield Hardware Spec , as it looks like it getting high temperature and as a safety step the NIC DPU is shutting down .

Kindly check the cooling system on the server and the adapter if it follows the spec
Environmental Temperature
**|Operational|0°C to 55°C|
|Non-operational|-40°C to 70°C (b)|

Also you can review supported servers for Bluefield 3


I’m using Bluefield2.

Hi ,

Please see below


Temperature Operational 0°C to 55°C
Non-operational -40°C to 70°C(c)


Hi, thank you. But I can’t find NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPUs Power and Airflow Specifications document. Could you please send me the link directly?

“Power and airflow specifications are provided in NVIDIA BlueField-2 DPUs Power and Airflow Specifications document, which is available at NVOnline following login.”

Hi ,

It’s a confidential file that requests an NDA signed.
Please make sure you have a valid support entitlement and send a request to


I know it might be late, but I only checked in today.
You can check if the temperature is really a problem by actually getting the temperature of the SmartNIC.
Check this thread to do so:

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I faced similar issue with my BF2. Installing a cooling fan on top of BF2 solved the issue. I am using a fan which can be attached in the expansion slots.

Hi, thank you! I have solved my problem by adding an extra cooling fan. Thanks again.

Thank you! BTW, dmesg can also provided many messages.