When I put my device in recovery mode, plug in my HDMI am I supposed to see anything?

Nothing shows up on my tv is this normal?


did you just put it into force recovery mode and do nothing else?
I think it’s expected.

I followed these steps

  1. Jumper the J48 power select pin first and plug the power jack
  2. Jumper the recovery pin
  3. Jumper the reset pin
  4. Remove the jumper of reset pin
  5. Remove the jumper of recovery pin.

Once I did those steps still nothing appeared. Still nothing through HDMI.

I also tried connecting to my computer with usb and ran ls /dev/cu.usbmodem* but nothing showed up, this while plugged in with the barrel jack (5V-4A)

DaveYYY do you have a suggestion on getting this working beyond what I listed above? Do you know what actions I could take and expect to have the nano booting up?

EDIT: I just saw this is also here, and will refer any updates to the other thread:

Recovery mode in itself does not do anything. What it does is turn the Jetson into a custom USB device understood by flash software running on a separate Ubuntu 18.04 host PC. The monitor and most of the Jetson do not actually do anything in recovery mode.

The particular device special file which shows up depends in part on what particular USB serial UART chip is running. The example you show makes me think this is a Mac, and not Linux. For Linux I would recommend running “dmesg --follow” to see a continuous log on the host, and then plugging in the USB cable while the Jetson is already in recovery mode. That would be the best indication of which serial USB device name is used.

Incidentally, there is a serial console, but that’s probably from pins on a header for the Nano. You might mention if this is a third party carrier board, or if it is instead the NVIDIA Nano dev kit. Third party carrier boards might use an eMMC module, and the SD card would be part of the carrier board; the dev kit would instead have the SD card mounted directly to the module. Software and drivers differ depending on model. So too the serial console might differ.

Assuming this is a dev kit, then you have to place the operating system (rootfs) on the SD card. The boot content, and the equivalent of BIOS, is in QSPI memory. The purpose of flashing is to update the QSPI to a version compatible with what you put on the SD card. It isn’t unusual to receive a dev kit with an older QSPI, and then it wouldn’t function with a newer SD card content until the QSPI is updated.

What is it you wish to accomplish? Are you trying to flash? Is this a dev kit? Have you placed an image on an SD card, and if so, which image?

Thanks for the reply.

My device won’t boot, it turns on briefly (light goes on), then off, but nothing else.

I was thinking flashing the device was the pathway to getting it working, but I’m not knowledgable enough to know for sure.

If the light goes on, then off, then flashing won’t help. Sometimes this is just a result of insufficient power supply quality, but sometimes it is a component on the carrier board which has failed (modules rarely fail). Are you powering this with USB? Or with the barrel jack? Can you describe the power source and any significant length of wire, so on? Jetsons are very picky about quality of voltage regulation; DC jacks tend to be more functional since they can provide more current than USB, but people also tend to not have good quality regulation. If this is a power unit supplied with the Jetson, then we can probably conclude it isn’t a power supply issue. Also, did this unit ever work? Was it known to work, and then failed, or is it new?

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