I purchased an evaluation kit not long ago and immediately out of the box it wouldn’t boot (with a properly flashed card).
I purchased a second kit, created a new SD card, booted it and updated with the SDK manager. No problems with this kit.
I’ve taken the working SD card out of the second kit, placed in the first kit (non-functional) and it displays the same issues as it did originally. Nothing shows up on HDMI, screen doesn’t recognize any signal. When I hook up a console port (confirmed hooked up correctly on second kit) I see no output on the screen. When I plug in a USB cable to the micro-USB port (J28) and attach to my computer (powering from 5V 4A barrel connector), I see the following addition
xx@yy:~$ lsusb
Bus 003 Device 065: ID 0955:7f21 NVidia Corp.
This appears to be the same result if I force the working kit into recovery mode. Anything I can do to get the first unit out of recovery mode?