Sometimes when I run the, the objects are spawn outside of the warehouse USD where it’s all black (seems outside the factory there is not roads etc). So, is there a way to enforce it such that the spawn objects are located inside the warehouse.usd and not elsewhere?
The is located here:
(base) mona@ard-gpu-01:~/.local/share/ov/pkg/isaac_sim-2022.2.0$ ls standalone_examples/replicator/
-rw-r--r-- 1 mona mona 21K Feb 2 21:33 standalone_examples/replicator/
also this is what I had from code
# Spawn a new forklift at a random pose
forklift_prim = prims.create_prim(
position=(random.uniform(-50, -4), random.uniform(-1, 3), 0),
orientation=euler_angles_to_quat([0, 0, random.uniform(0, math.pi)]),
You can for example use the bounding box snippet from the tutorial to calculate the bounds coordinate of the warehouse or of the floor. You can also manually look up the values in the editor by moving entities and read out their locations.