Which IDE to use for remote CUDA programming

I am a student taking CUDA programming class. As a students we get to access the school GPU server. Since I don’t have NVIDIA graphic card on my laptop, I have to write the code in Sublime Text and then scp to school server which is very inconvenience especially while I am debugging. Every time I need to change code, I have to change code, I have to edit the code on my local laptop, save the file, scp to the school server and compile the file. I was wondering if there is a better way to code remotely and compile remotely as I have a plan to extend my CUDA works.

Thank you in advance for the advice.

If you can scp to the server I assume you can log in (ssh).

You could just log in an run a local editor such as vi

I can login with ssh command. That is how I am able to use nvcc command to compile.
vi is still inconvenient especially when jumping cursor/pointer.

You could check whether other editors are available on the system, such as emacs. You could also ask your fellow students how they have solved this issue. We do not know the details of your system set up, so cannot envision all potential solutions.

Questions typically have a context, and a good general strategy for asking questions is to consult those people who are most familiar with that context.

CLion has good support for remote development, and the latest preview also has CUDA support (nice but not essential - I’ve used it for years for CUDA code while that was not officially supported).
It is a paid-for product though and some rough edges in the CUDA support are still being hammered out, presumably before the next release.

You however might also just write a script that uses scp or rsync to copy your code over, then use ssh to invoke nvcc for compilation.

If you are on linux you could mount the remote file system and then use any editor you have on your machine.

Visual Studio code works well with very little lag.