Why does it restart and crash automatically? How can I locate his error


Just makes it easier to understand, please tell us your environment and software release you are using now.

Do you always hit the same stack dump before going to reboot? or it has different reasons in each time?

We are NVIDIA’s ecological chain partners. We have been making Jetson products for many years. We have used thousands of Jetson devices. This is just one of them. We found such a problem. We just want to locate the internal conflict that caused it to restart. We use l4t3250 and jetpack4 5. Now we have run an example of rviz, but it will not cause the module to restart on other cores


  1. If you are using custom board, please try to move it to devkit and try to run the same application to see if it can reproduce your issue.

  2. If only one module has such problem, then RMA could be considered.

  3. If possible, move to latest release. We don’t debug on old release.

OK, thanks a lot. I’ll try again

  1. Please always follow such debug pattern in every future topic you file.

  2. Please do provide necessary information like custom board info/usecase. This will be more helpful than just throw out a log file.

  3. If you really cannot speak English, please use translation. 麻煩了 謝謝

restart.txt (73.0 KB)
syslog (1.6 MB)
restarttime.txt (433 Bytes)

Again, I don’t know what you are trying to say.

Please attach what you try to say in both English and Chinese.

Sorry to bother you again. I sent syslog, DMEs and restart time of AgX Xavier module on the custom board

I am sorry that I think you are in your loop again. Let me put a bilingual comment here.

  1. I don’t know what your purpose here. As our previous comment said, please check if devkit is able to reproduce this issue or not.

  2. syslog is not able to debug such log, because when kernel panic happened, the syslog has chance goes dead too. Thus, only uart log can monitor those kernel panice.

For Mandarin:

  1. 我不清楚你現在分享custom board狀況的用意, 依照我們前面的comment, 請你在公版上測試 並且告訴我們你到底有沒有辦法在公版上複製到一樣的問題

  2. syslog沒有辦法debug這種突然reboot的問題 因為kernel panic發生的時候syslog有可能也死了 沒辦法記錄這種狀況. 所以只有UART log有機會可以記錄到這種log

I can’t reproduce it on the off
20211217091149_COM79.txt (164.2 KB)
icial suite. Your suite is not allowed to be removed. I also sent the UART log once

I am sorry to say I didn’t know your comment again.

Please directly put Chinese comment. We will translate by ourselves.

20211220171358_COM79.txt (813.5 KB)

I’m sorry that I can’t speak English. The latest 3261 version crashed after brushing

So I asked you to directly share your comment in Chinese and we will do the translation by ourselves.

Is it ok?

Could you clarify the situation of each log? For example, is this on custom board now or devkit? Only this module will crash or every module will crash?

所以我才請你直接寫中文 我們會幫你翻譯

可以請你每次分享任何log的時候都麻煩敘述一下你當下的環境嗎? 是客製的底板還是NV devkit? 只有這一顆module會打到問題還是每一個都會?



If you directly remove this module out from your board to devkit, will it boot up?

如果這個moduel直接拆下來放到我們的devkit上驗證 請問他會開起來嗎? 不用重燒 就直接移過去.




I don’t think wasting your time on just one module is needed. If it is acceptable, you can directly RMA this module.
If you really want to validate the problem, it will be better to use devkit. There is nothing I can help for the out of stock. Sorry about that.

我覺得可以不用浪費時間在只有一顆module碰到的問題 如果你們ok的話可以直接RMA它
如果真的想驗證問題的話還是得請用devkit. 沒有的話我也很抱歉 對於缺貨這件事情我幫不上忙.

另外想建議你, 如果有任何log要分享 請不要再用影片或是圖片, 這種東西除了graphics 相關的問題之外說實話沒有幫助
我們會需要看完整log並且很有可能會用搜尋找一些keyword. 你這樣的格式甚至是畫質基本上我們看不到任何東西
