Will a PCI e x16 v1.0a slot take the 9500GT?


I have a MSI Neo 965 board with one PCI-e x16 v1.0a slot, its worked fine with my Geforce 7600GT, but will a 9400GT or 9500GT work in it? They aer v2.0 but I heard they should be backward compliant with v1.x? Is this definetly the case before I go out and buy one!



I have used PCI Express 2.0 cards with a PCI Express 1.0 motherboard in the past and had no problems. (It was an 8800 GT, but other cards should work.)

Hi thanks for the reply, I understand most people don’t have problems but I read that specifically that “some” v1.0a motherboards have problems with 2.0 cards and wondered is there anywhere on nvidias site ( i cant find it) that says explicility that the 9400gt or 9500gt is backward compatiable with v1.0a slots - would really appreicate it!

Thanks again