A40 enable DisplayPort?


How do I enable the display port at the back of the GPU?
Manual says the physical outputs are disabled and in “virtualisation mode”.


My understanding is by using this tool but I’ve made the change and I still get no output from any of the DP during BIOS or after RHEL 8 loads with the NVidia drivers modules.

A40 cannot serve as primary display adapter! With the given mode selector tool you can get the display heads activated but this doesn’t mean you can use the GPU as primary device. You will always need an additional GPU that can serve as the primary adapter.

wait does the same concept follow for an l40? I am having the most difficult time setting up my l40 currently.

I saw the display mode selector tool and saw that the dp cables come disabled by default

after reading this comment, i am wondering if i shouldn’t bother to enable them and just look into buying another gpu to connect two or three dp cables to for display.

I was talking to chatgpt about drivers and my understanding is that I can only use one driver on my system at a time, so I was looking at 30/40 series gpu and which drivers are recommended for them, but they only go up to 550 series drivers, whilethe l40 driver recommendation is a 560.

I am just overwhelmed and not confident on what I need to be doing.

If you open the website for Display Mode selector tool, the L40 is listed which should indicate that the same logic applies for L40.

I don’t understand what you trying to explain with the different driver branches mentioned above.
First of all it would be helpful if you would try to explain what you are going to achieve with the L40 and how your setup looks like in order to be able to help

Best regards