About Adjust App size


I thought I could adjust the app partition only through sdkmanager.

I’ve tried both single and multi flash, and flash scripts are available.

However, I was informed that deepstream sdk can be installed only through sdkmanager.

I tried to solve everything using sdkmanager.

If so, can you show me an example of how to run the flash script (deepstream sdk) to install all components the same as installing through sdkmanager using a flash script?
Thank you.

Thank you.


However, I was informed that deepstream sdk can be installed only through sdkmanager.

This is true.

But you have to understand that “flash” and “install all components” are different things.

“Flash” does not help you install the sdk components. Even doing “flash” in sdkmanager does not help you install the sdk (e.g. deepstream).

You can install them separately.
For example, I can only flash the board but no sdk or I can also install sdk only but no need to re-flash the board (just in case the board has powered on).

Thus, in current case, you can run flash.sh -S to flash your board and then use sdkmanager to install sdk only.
Please be careful do not flash the board again when you are using sdkmanager.

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The “-S size” option is from use of command line flash. Having used SDKM before implies you will have a directory with “flash.sh” in it:

Within this is “flash.sh”. Note that flashing on command line implies the Jetson is in recovery mode already, and that if you use the microSD model, then the target is “jetson-nano-qspi-sd”, but if you use the eMMC model, then the target is “jetson-nano-emmc”. I will assume microSD model in what follows below, but adjust according to your model.

A command line flash which is using defaults would be (from “Linux_for_Tegra/”):
sudo ./flash.sh jetson-nano-qspi-sd mmcblk0p1

The abbreviations for the size option are either MiB (10241024) or GiB (10241024*1024). For example 28GiB is exactly “28*1024*1024*1024” bytes, or 30064771072 bytes. If you wanted to specify 28GiB:
sudo ./flash.sh -S 28GiB jetson-nano-qspi-sd mmcblk0p1

This does not install optional packages, and those packages should be installed after the flash completes and the first boot setup is complete. From there SDKM can be told to not flash (uncheck flash), and to simply add components to the Jetson (I would also skip adding packages to the host PC in the same session).

Whether or not the size you pick works I have no way of guaranteeing.

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① If so, can I connect the microusb after flashing with the flash.sh script and install all the components through the sdk manager?

② When installing components through the sdk manager after flashing is finished, is it not necessary to use force recovery mode?

Thank you.

Thank you very much. 👍😊❤💕

① If so, can I connect the microusb after flashing with the flash.sh script and install all the components through the sdk manager?

You can use either ethernet cable or micro usb cable. Both method is based on netowrk framework.
Jeston Nano has a virtual netowrk interface ( e.g. type “ifconfig” and you shall see a interface with 192.168.55.x) which is based on usb. It means there is network interface but actually a usb device.

② When installing components through the sdk manager after flashing is finished, is it not necessary to use force recovery mode?

Yes, you don’t and cannot run force recovery when trying to install components. We need the ubutnu OS to install those libraries.

Flash can only be performed with the micro-B USB cable. The Jetson must be in recovery mode for flash.

Components can never be installed in recovery mode. The Jetson and first boot setup must be fully up and running for optional package install.

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Hello @forumuser, When I’m trying to use SD card image I got same with your image. So how many megabytes should I fill that? Thanks.

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If you are using it for development
It’s good to set the maximum capacity that can be allocated.
Probably, if you don’t change it, it will be automatically set to the maximum capacity.

Thank you.

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Okay @forumuser , I have tried it. Thanks for your suggestion.

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Thank you