About YUV: YUV422-8b on Jetson nano datasheet(page 23)


The video is 2M resolution 1980p30.

Which v4l2 device driver should I use?

Thank you.

hello neuezeal,

YUV422-8bit, it’s 16-bpp (bits per pixel) formats. it’s supported by v4l2 VI/CSI driver.
you may also refer to format definition for more details.
for example,

static const struct tegra_video_format vi2_video_formats[] = {
        /* YUV422 */
        TEGRA_VIDEO_FORMAT(YUV422, 16, UYVY8_1X16, 2, 1, T_U8_Y8__V8_Y8,
                                YUV422_8, UYVY, "YUV 4:2:2"),
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I checked in this path. Is that right?


/* YUV422 */
TEGRA_VIDEO_FORMAT(YUV422, 16, UYVY8_1X16, 2, 1, T_U8_Y8__V8_Y8,
YUV422_8, UYVY, “YUV 4:2:2”),
TEGRA_VIDEO_FORMAT(YUV422, 16, VYUY8_1X16, 2, 1, T_V8_Y8__U8_Y8,
YUV422_8, VYUY, “YUV 4:2:2”),
TEGRA_VIDEO_FORMAT(YUV422, 16, YUYV8_1X16, 2, 1, T_Y8_U8__Y8_V8,
YUV422_8, YUYV, “YUV 4:2:2”),
TEGRA_VIDEO_FORMAT(YUV422, 16, YVYU8_1X16, 2, 1, T_Y8_V8__Y8_U8,
YUV422_8, YVYU, “YUV 4:2:2”),

Thank you.

hello neuezeal,

yes, there’s a list of VI2 supported pixel formats by default.

is it v4l2?

Thank you.

hello neuezeal,

that’s VI version, TX1, Nano were using VI verison-2; whereas TX2 using VI version-4 and Xavier based-on VI version-5.
you may refer to Technical Reference Manual for the details.