Access to NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 3.0

I am reaching out to request access to the NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit version 3.0. Unfortunately, my laptop only supports CUDA 3.0, and at this time, I am unable to upgrade to a newer machine. As a result, I am unable to use the newer versions of CUDA, which are incompatible with my current hardware.

Given my circumstances, having access to CUDA 3.0 is essential for me to continue my studies in Deep Learning.

I can’t find it on Nvidia website, it say “Even AI can’t find this page”

Is this the page you’re after?

there weren’t any laptops that only support CUDA 3.0. You are probably confused between CUDA compute capability and CUDA version. Just because you have a CUDA compute capability 3.0 GPU does not mean that you have to use CUDA 3.0.

Indeed, if you decide to try to use CUDA 3.0, now, 15 years after it was released, you are going to have substantial difficulty setting up the proper environment for it.

A compute capability 3.0 GPU can easily use CUDA version 8.0 or newer, probably up through CUDA 10.2