I am using the Forge Carrier Board custom board for AGX Orin. I am trying to do the initial setup on this device. I have done all the installations for the host machine and when I start the flash process, I get the output I shared below.
pc_2331@pc-2331:/media/pc_2331/D/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.1.1_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra$ sudo ./flash.sh cti/orin-agx/forge/base mmcblk0p1
# L4T BSP Information:
# R35 , REVISION: 3.1
# User release: 0.0
# Target Board Information:
# Name: cti-orin-agx-agx201-00, Board Family: t186ref, SoC: Tegra 234,
# OpMode: production, Boot Authentication: NS,
# Disk encryption: disabled ,
copying emc_fuse_dev_params(/media/pc_2331/D/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.1.1_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra234-br-bct-diag-boot.dts)... done.
copying device_config(/media/pc_2331/D/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.1.1_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra234-mb1-bct-device-p3701-0000.dts)... done.
copying misc_config(/media/pc_2331/D/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.1.1_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/t186ref/BCT/tegra234-mb1-bct-misc-p3701-0000.dts)... done.
./tegraflash.py --chip 0x23 --applet "/media/pc_2331/D/nvidia/nvidia_sdk/JetPack_5.1.1_Linux_JETSON_AGX_ORIN_TARGETS/Linux_for_Tegra/bootloader/mb1_t234_prod.bin" --skipuid --cfg readinfo_t234_min_prod.xml --dev_params tegra234-br-bct-diag-boot.dts --device_config tegra234-mb1-bct-device-p3701-0000.dts --misc_config tegra234-mb1-bct-misc-p3701-0000.dts --bins "mb2_applet applet_t234.bin" --cmd "dump eeprom cvm cvm.bin; dump custinfo custinfo_out.bin; reboot recovery"
Welcome to Tegra Flash
version 1.0.0
Type ? or help for help and q or quit to exit
Use ! to execute system commands
[ 0.0114 ] tegrarcm_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --ismb2applet
[ 0.0119 ] File rcm_state open failed
[ 0.0119 ] ERROR: failed to read rcm_state
[ 0.0119 ]
[ 0.0130 ] tegrasign_v3.py --key None --getmode mode.txt
[ 0.0131 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[ 0.0121 ] Pre-processing config: tegra234-mb1-bct-device-p3701-0000.dts
[ 0.0158 ] Pre-processing config: tegra234-mb1-bct-misc-p3701-0000.dts
[ 0.0210 ] Parsing partition layout
[ 0.0215 ] tegraparser_v2 --pt readinfo_t234_min_prod.xml.tmp
[ 0.0226 ] Kernel DTB used: None
[ 0.0226 ] WARNING: dce base dtb is not provided
[ 0.0226 ] Parsing partition layout
[ 0.0230 ] tegraparser_v2 --pt readinfo_t234_min_prod.xml.tmp
[ 0.0236 ] Creating list of images to be signed
[ 0.0241 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --partitionlayout readinfo_t234_min_prod.xml.bin --list images_list.xml zerosbk
[ 0.0247 ] MB1: Nvheader already present is mb1_t234_prod_aligned.bin
[ 0.0251 ] Header already present for mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin
[ 0.0253 ] MB1: Nvheader already present is mb1_t234_prod_aligned.bin
[ 0.0286 ] Header already present for mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin
[ 0.0289 ] MB1: Nvheader already present is psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned.bin
[ 0.0322 ] Header already present for psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin
[ 0.0324 ] adding BCH for mb2_t234_aligned.bin
[ 0.0341 ] MB1: Nvheader already present is psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned.bin
[ 0.0436 ] Header already present for psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin
[ 0.0438 ] adding BCH for mb2_t234_aligned.bin
[ 0.0544 ] Filling MB1 storage info
[ 0.0544 ] Parsing dev params for multi chains
[ 0.0583 ] Generating br-bct
[ 0.0588 ] Updating dev and MSS params in BR BCT
[ 0.0588 ] tegrabct_v2 --dev_param tegra234-br-bct-diag-boot_cpp.dtb --brbct br_bct.cfg --chip 0x23 0
[ 0.0594 ] Updating bl info
[ 0.0599 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x23 0 --updateblinfo readinfo_t234_min_prod.xml.bin
[ 0.0604 ] WARNING: boot chain is not completed. set to 0
[ 0.0609 ] Generating signatures
[ 0.0620 ] tegrasign_v3.py --key None --list images_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --sha sha512
[ 0.0622 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[ 0.0690 ] Warning: pub_key.key is not found
[ 0.0682 ] Parsing dev params for multi chains
[ 0.0682 ] Generating br-bct
[ 0.0687 ] Updating dev and MSS params in BR BCT
[ 0.0687 ] tegrabct_v2 --dev_param tegra234-br-bct-diag-boot_cpp.dtb --brbct br_bct.cfg --chip 0x23 0
[ 0.0693 ] Updating bl info
[ 0.0699 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x23 0 --updateblinfo readinfo_t234_min_prod.xml.bin --updatesig images_list_signed.xml
[ 0.0703 ] WARNING: boot chain is not completed. set to 0
[ 0.0708 ] Get Signed section of bct
[ 0.0713 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x23 0 --listbct bct_list.xml
[ 0.0719 ] Signing BCT
[ 0.0730 ] tegrasign_v3.py --key None --list bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --sha sha512
[ 0.0731 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[ 0.0747 ] Sha saved in br_bct_BR.sha
[ 0.0749 ] Warning: pub_key.key is not found
[ 0.0738 ] Updating BCT with signature
[ 0.0743 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x23 0 --updatesig bct_list_signed.xml
[ 0.0748 ] Offset :4608 Len :3584
[ 0.0750 ] Generating SHA2 Hash
[ 0.0761 ] tegrasign_v3.py --key None --list bct_list.xml --sha sha512
[ 0.0762 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[ 0.0762 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[ 0.0778 ] Sha saved in br_bct_BR.sha
[ 0.0769 ] Updating BCT with SHA2 Hash
[ 0.0774 ] tegrabct_v2 --brbct br_bct_BR.bct --chip 0x23 0 --updatesha bct_list_signed.xml
[ 0.0779 ] Offset :4608 Len :3584
[ 0.0780 ] Offset :68 Len :8124
[ 0.0781 ] Generating coldboot mb1-bct
[ 0.0786 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct.cfg --misc tegra234-mb1-bct-misc-p3701-0000_cpp.dtb --device tegra234-mb1-bct-device-p3701-0000_cpp.dtb
[ 0.0791 ] MB1-BCT version: 0.10
[ 0.0792 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_UNUSED5/ is not supported
[ 0.0794 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_UNUSED5/ is not supported
[ 0.0797 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_UNUSED5/ is not supported
[ 0.0799 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_MCE_COVERAGE/ is not supported
[ 0.0801 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_MCE_COVERAGE/ is not supported
[ 0.0801 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_MCE_COVERAGE/ is not supported
[ 0.0801 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_config is not supported
[ 0.0801 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_diff_configuration is not supported
[ 0.0801 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_ref_frequency_configuration is not supported
[ 0.0801 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_control is not supported
[ 0.0801 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_adjust_configuration is not supported
[ 0.0801 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_fast_adjust_configuration is not supported
[ 0.0801 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_adjust_delta_control is not supported
[ 0.0801 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_capture_control_ptx is not supported
[ 0.0801 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_capture_config_ptx is not supported
[ 0.0802 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_stscrsr is not supported
[ 0.0802 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_adjust_num_control is not supported
[ 0.0802 ]
[ 0.0802 ] Parsing config file :tegra234-mb1-bct-device-p3701-0000_cpp.dtb
[ 0.0802 ] Added Platform Config 9 data with size :- 100
[ 0.0802 ]
[ 0.0802 ] Updating mb1-bct with firmware information
[ 0.0807 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --mb1bct mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1.bct --updatefwinfo readinfo_t234_min_prod.xml.bin
[ 0.0819 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --align mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1_aligned.bct
[ 0.0830 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --magicid MBCT --appendsigheader mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1_aligned.bct zerosbk
[ 0.0834 ] adding BCH for mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1_aligned.bct
[ 0.0850 ] tegrasign_v3.py --key None --list mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1_aligned_sigheader.bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --sha sha512
[ 0.0851 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[ 0.0860 ] Warning: pub_key.key is not found
[ 0.0855 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --updatesigheader mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1_aligned_sigheader.bct.encrypt mb1_cold_boot_bct_MB1_aligned_sigheader.bct.hash zerosbk
[ 0.0863 ] Generating recovery mb1-bct
[ 0.0868 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --mb1bct mb1_bct.cfg --misc tegra234-mb1-bct-misc-p3701-0000_cpp.dtb --device tegra234-mb1-bct-device-p3701-0000_cpp.dtb
[ 0.0872 ] MB1-BCT version: 0.10
[ 0.0874 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_UNUSED5/ is not supported
[ 0.0877 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_UNUSED5/ is not supported
[ 0.0879 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_UNUSED5/ is not supported
[ 0.0881 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_MCE_COVERAGE/ is not supported
[ 0.0883 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_MCE_COVERAGE/ is not supported
[ 0.0883 ] ERROR: carveout /misc/carveout/aux_info@CARVEOUT_MCE_COVERAGE/ is not supported
[ 0.0883 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_config is not supported
[ 0.0883 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_diff_configuration is not supported
[ 0.0883 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_ref_frequency_configuration is not supported
[ 0.0883 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_control is not supported
[ 0.0883 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_adjust_configuration is not supported
[ 0.0883 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_fast_adjust_configuration is not supported
[ 0.0883 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_adjust_delta_control is not supported
[ 0.0883 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_capture_control_ptx is not supported
[ 0.0883 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_capture_config_ptx is not supported
[ 0.0883 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_stscrsr is not supported
[ 0.0884 ] ERROR: /misc/tsc_controls/tsc_locking_adjust_num_control is not supported
[ 0.0884 ]
[ 0.0884 ] Parsing config file :tegra234-mb1-bct-device-p3701-0000_cpp.dtb
[ 0.0884 ] Added Platform Config 9 data with size :- 100
[ 0.0884 ]
[ 0.0884 ] Updating mb1-bct with firmware information
[ 0.0889 ] tegrabct_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --mb1bct mb1_bct_MB1.bct --recov --updatefwinfo readinfo_t234_min_prod.xml.bin
[ 0.0901 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --align mb1_bct_MB1_aligned.bct
[ 0.0911 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --magicid MBCT --appendsigheader mb1_bct_MB1_aligned.bct zerosbk
[ 0.0915 ] adding BCH for mb1_bct_MB1_aligned.bct
[ 0.0931 ] tegrasign_v3.py --key None --list mb1_bct_MB1_aligned_sigheader.bct_list.xml --pubkeyhash pub_key.key --sha sha512
[ 0.0932 ] Assuming zero filled SBK key
[ 0.0942 ] Warning: pub_key.key is not found
[ 0.0937 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --updatesigheader mb1_bct_MB1_aligned_sigheader.bct.encrypt mb1_bct_MB1_aligned_sigheader.bct.hash zerosbk
[ 0.0944 ] Error: Skip generating mem_bct because sdram_config is not defined
[ 0.0944 ] Error: Skip generating mem_bct because sdram_config is not defined
[ 0.0945 ] Copying signatures
[ 0.0950 ] tegrahost_v2 --chip 0x23 0 --partitionlayout readinfo_t234_min_prod.xml.bin --updatesig images_list_signed.xml
[ 0.0980 ] mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt filename is from images_list
[ 0.0982 ] psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt filename is from images_list
[ 0.0982 ] Boot Rom communication
[ 0.0988 ] tegrarcm_v2 --new_session --chip 0x23 0 --uid --download bct_br br_bct_BR.bct --download mb1 mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download psc_bl1 psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download bct_mb1 mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt
[ 0.0993 ] BR_CID: 0x80012344705DD3DF0C00000006010280
[ 0.1260 ] Sending bct_br
[ 0.1734 ] ERROR: might be timeout in USB write.
Error: Return value 3
Command tegrarcm_v2 --new_session --chip 0x23 0 --uid --download bct_br br_bct_BR.bct --download mb1 mb1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download psc_bl1 psc_bl1_t234_prod_aligned_sigheader.bin.encrypt --download bct_mb1 mb1_bct_MB1_sigheader.bct.encrypt
Reading board information failed.
I tried to flash with different usb cables and different usb ports of the host computer, but I get the same error every time. How can i solve this problem? Thank you for your help in advance.
Host computer specs are as follows:
OS Name: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS (Not virtual machine)