AGX Orin not rebooting

I cannot complete the reboot process to flash the Jetson AGX Orin. I have followed the instructions of

  1. Power off and unplug the power cord
  2. Hold the ‘Force Recovery’ button down
  3. Plug in the power cord
  4. Press and release the Power button
  5. Release the Force Recovery button
    Or same result with Force Recovery and Reset button

The cable (USB-C) connecting to my Linux machine is next to the 40-pin header.

The Jetson Orin starts to reboot and I see the initial splash screen with options to enter device setup for a few seconds before continuing with the start-up process. I do not select any of these options and let the machine continue with the startup and the initialization process is printed to my screen. However, it fails to mount the device (see attached image).

What do you suggest I do?

From my Linux machine, the SDK Manager cannot find the connected device in this state - e.g. running lsusb | grep 0955 returns nothing. If I connect to the USB- micro B port (#9) in the NVIDIA diagram, ony then I can see the connected device from lsusb | grep 0955. How can I reboot from the command line at this point in the process? I don’t know the address to ssh to this device

Is this response to my post or possibly a different question? I’m not trying to install TensorFlow or PyTorch.

I’m trying to reboot the Jetson AGX and get it out of the bad state it is stuck in.

Hi sofia.hamrin,

Are you using the devkit or custom board for AGX Orin?
Can this board boot before?

After you finished these steps, you should enter into force recovery state instead of rebooting.
Please neglect Step 4 and check if your host can recognize the board through lsusb.

I was successful in flashing this device last week and installing the Jetpack components. I do not have a custom AGX Orin but I was installing drivers for a third-party adapter board and this required rebooting the device and it ended up in the current state. The driver instructions recommended copying the original Image as a backup and to uncomment the backup options in /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf and I did both of these things.

To answer the last question, the Linux host recongizes the board through lsusb at port 10.

EDIT: I removed the third-party adapter board and repeated the steps above to enter Recovery state. I was successful in flashing the Jetson AGX using the SDK manager on the host machine from this point. I will reach out to the third-party tech support regarding their process to install drivers for the adapter board.

Yes, please just request your vendor for the steps to setup that adapter board.
Sorry that we are not familiar with your setup.

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