Please provide the following info (check/uncheck the boxes after clicking “+ Create Topic”): Software Version
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0
DRIVE OS Linux 5.2.0 and DriveWorks 3.5
NVIDIA DRIVE™ Software 10.0 (Linux)
NVIDIA DRIVE™ Software 9.0 (Linux)
other DRIVE OS version
I installed GNOME so I can work directly on the platform but the only signal out is XB for the HDMI and USB3XB for the USB. Not a big deal for now but I would like the rest of the USB port to work.
Dear @andrea_Faction,
When you connect to Tegra B( via XB HDMI port) only USB XavierB is expected to work. Could you confirm if you have connected to Tegra A(via XA1 HDMI port) and tried using USB xavierA ports?
I am not able to tell if your problems are related to the messages yet. But if XB HDMI works on your side, you should know ubuntu desktop isn’t installed by default of DRIVE OS 5.2.0, right?
For you XA problems, comparing messages between XA and XB may be a good way to figure out them.
Well, right you are, Tegra A did not have the desktop installed it. I just installed it, all good. I did not realize Tegra A and Tegra B are completely disjoint.
BTW: I want to make sure I did this correctly: I installed Drive OS 5.2 using SDK Manager. This created two distinct Ubuntu machines, one per Xavier. Then I installed DriveWork on Xavier B and if I want to run it on Xavier A, I have to repeat the installation on that machine. Please confirm my understanding is correct and thus we should think of each Xavier as its own machine with shared hardware resources, specifically, over PCI.