Hiya, trying to move from windows, ok with linux but usually CLI and could do with some help please
- No SLI tab in nvidia server X settings - because it’s not working
- If I enable the apple monitor in the server settings, Ubuntu won’t display on it, black screen with X
Everything seems to be in the log so please shout if I can provide anything else.
Monitors setup:
- 1x ROG on display port
- 2x HP on DVI
- 1 x Apple cinema on DVI
I may be misunderstanding how this is (meant to) working…?
Should I be able to get all monitors working with SLI on linux, or just on one card. I understood all of them from the mosaic page.
nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (600.3 KB)
Many thanks
SLIMosaic is only supported on Quadro type cards. With Geforce, you’re limited to BaseMosaic.
Just reading more but I’m now confused if I wanted mosaic. Just for the monitors to work and getting confused by various posts.
Lots of places suggest
nvidia-xconfig -sli=on
but from man page
- its – (double dash) sli
- sli accepts off or mosaic
Am I missing the point here?
The point you’re missing is that SLI has been removed from the driver, it’s not supported anymore apart from SLIMosaic which only works on Quadros.
nvidia-xconfig --base-mosaic
is what you can use.
Thanks for that, you’ve just saved me many many hours of googling and hair pulling and it’s appreciated.
As frustrating as it is…