Apt upgrade seems to mess up 5.13 on a xavier nx

I’ve installed twice 5.13 on a xavier nx and after I do an apt upgrade it gets stuck at the message “vdd_sys_en: disabling”

I can even issue grub commands as it is actually a prompt “bash-5.0”

Hi sequential_systems,

Are you using the devkit or custom board for Xavier NX?

May I know what’s your use case to run “apt upgrade”?

It seems you enter into recovery boot.

I am using the one made by waveshare, guess it’d be a “custom board”

The apt upgrade is just natural when the system tells you to. I’ve disabled those messages

Yes, that was my thought too. Either way, just reflashed the whole thing and this time apparently it worked and not doing the upgrade ever again.

Either way, should that ever happen again, is there a command to just continue the boot?

Normally, apt upgrade is not working on Jetson device.
To update Xavier NX on custom carrier board, you should perform image-based OTA from custom BSP package.

In recovery boot state, you can try running reboot command to check if it could boot as expected.

Please try the solution provided in the linked topic. Need to put a hold on Nvidia packages before doing any apt upgrade.

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