I’m using the reComputer J2021 from seeedstudio and after installing some Updates from the Ubuntu Software Updater my board wont boot anymore. Is there any way to boot the system without having to reflash everything since there is a lot of work on my SSD?
I’m using the latest Jetpack 5.1.3 for the Xavier NX
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Following with interest.
I am facing similar issue. In fact i went ahead and even formatted the NVME ssd. Flashed through SDK manager.
First time boot works fine as long as i do not update Ubuntu.
Kept working fine as long as i do not update. Once i go through sudo apt upgrade, never able to reboot.
This i have done twice !!!
At the moment i have flashed the SD Card and removed the SSD.
Its stuck in first boot for the last one hour with just the SD card.
Update : – It has successful boot with only SD card. I will go through the normal updates and see faces similar issue as SSD.
It’s the bootloader part that is stuck.
Try the following method to re-flash only the bootloader:
sudo ./flash.sh --no-systemimg -c bootloader/t186ref/cfg/flash_l4t_t194_qspi_p3668.xml jetson-xavier-nx-devkit internal
first of all thank you, it did kind of helped. It’s not stuck in the bootloader part anymore, but I still can’t get it running yet.
Can you help?
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So your device tree stuff is still messed up.
Plug in the SSD to your host PC, and replace the file in /boot/dtb/
with the correct one.
What do you mean with “the correct one”?
My thought was to replace this file from the SSD “kernel_tegra194-p3668-0001-p3509-0000.dtb” with a file from the Jetson Linux 35.5 Driver Package Archive “/Linux_for_Tegra/kernel/dtb/tegra194-p3668-0001-p3509-0000.dtb”.
Am I correct to assume this?
The one that is working on your SD card.
You are using a custom board so I don’t know how the file is named.
Specify the new file name in /boot/extlinux/extlinux.conf
Oh sorry, I think you’re mistaken. I don’t have a working SD card. That was the other guy.
Then ask your board vendor for the BSP and find the correct dtb file.
I have tried the instructions provided but it didnt work for me. So i am going to start from scratch again.
- first flashed the boodloader only. didnt work.
- copied dtb file from my working SD card onto the SSD. didnt work.
Now i will flash the SSD from start using SDK manager. once i get to the first login, and before applying any updates, i will back up the complete boot folder in the host ubuntu machine. incase i have to copy something back later.
Same issue here. I am going to install everything from scratch using the SDK Manager again. :(
By the way, one way to prevent this problem is to hold back the select packages right after the first login.
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt-mark hold nvidia-l4t-bootloader \
nvidia-l4t-configs nvidia-l4t-display-kernel \
nvidia-l4t-initrd nvidia-l4t-kernel nvidia-l4t-kernel-dtbs \
nvidia-l4t-kernel-headers nvidia-l4t-tools nvidia-l4t-xusb-firmware
I managed to save all my files from the SSD and installed everything from scratch with SDK Manager.
It works as of now, but I’m still getting the same few error messages, even when it’s on and working.
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What could be the cause of this? And could this also trigger the board to freeze and reboot? Because that happened a lot of times already but I’ve never investigated it.
Thanks @yokonav , I put the suggested nvidia packages on hold and updated the rest of available packages.
Went for reboot - held breath / quick prayer … and its rebooting now !!.
Hopfully we hear the official note as to when it would be ok to remove the hold.
Clearly one or more of those packages updates are causing this issue for SSD OS installs.
I have said, since you are using a custom board, ask the board vendor for the right BSP.
There is no one telling you to use SDK Manager…
I had the same issue today with the official devkit…
Don’t reply under other’s post that is unrelated.
File your own topic.
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