I have encountered a very strange problem where it is impossible for me to use dual video cards in SLI or Base Mosaic mode.
When I try, my monitors all go black, and then enter power save mode.
I can still SSH into the machine, which means the computer is not going through a hard lockup.
I have tried the following resolution steps :
I found much to my surprise that if I load all BUT the nvidia_drm module, I can start an X session, KDE, and a Graphical Boot Manager just fine.
It’s only when I try to start X with nvidia_drm do I get the noted behavior above.
I get the following output when I check my DMESG output: NVIDIA_CRASH - Pastebin.com
Like a fool, I forgot to RTM, and didn’t catch chapter 33, as per SOLVED - RTFM - NVIDIA - Cannot use second GPU/black XORG screen / Kernel & Hardware / Arch Linux Forums.
To any others with this issue, make sure to disable KMS before using SLI.
Have a great day, all!
nvidia-bug-report.log.gz (487 KB)