I am trying to enable BaseMosaic mode across three monitors without having to lose compositing.
I have two GTS450s connected with the SLI bridge on an MSI 970A-G46 motherboard with 16GB of ram and a Phenom x4 965. IOMMU is enabled on the motherboard, but the problem exists regardless of its setting.
Steps to reproduce (on my system).
mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.back
sudo nvidia-settings
X Server Display Configuration
Tick “Enable Base Mosaic”
Arrange monitors (three of them side by side. Primary in the middle. Secondary on the same card to the right, Tertiary on the second card to the left of Primary)
Check apply (hit yes when it says it cannot apply everything.
Select Save to X configuration File and save as /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Log out to terminal.
Try to startxfce4, or startx.
Given the message: “NVIDIA(GPU-0): Failed to initialize DMA.”
Zombielinux, Just want confirm, Is this issue specific to your motherboard? Did you tried same gpus on different system? Also attach nvidia-bug-report.log.gz to this forum page, Link you provided is internally blocked.
I don’t know if it is motherboard specific. I do not have another to test with. Nor do I have other ski graphics cards to test with. The GPUs have been known to work on other systems individually and they work in this hardware setup in full SLI under windows 7 x64. I do not think it is a hardware problem.
I will try to attach the nvidia log when I get home.
I’m experiencing a similar issue with two monitors, two cards, same kernel, same driver, different motherboard (gigabyte 990fxa), IOMMU controller enabled as well (or linux crashes).
Zombielinux, do you have the same issue with a different driver? Like 319.76 or 304?
I have updated to Nvidia 337.12 and fully updated archlinux with the same results as I have been having since the very beginning. I have attached a new bug report as well.