Audio2face for UE does not work(has voice but no face animation)

When I connect Audio2face to UE5.3, the face of Metahuman does not have any changes. I have set ARkit to Audio2face and enabled Use ARkit face…
Anyone know how to fix it ? I have attached the screenshot of my settings…


Is the face in A2F moving?

Have you followed these 2 tutorials:
Audio2Face to MetaHuman Blendshape Streaming - Part 1 (
Audio2Face to MetaHuman Blendshape Streaming - Part 2 (

Hi Ehsan,

Yes. I have followed exactly the same steps. It worked well on the other computer but not mine. I’m wondering if there are some settings in the computer that could affect this. It appears the live link does not work and It can work with imported animation.

Would you have any suggestion regarding this problem?



Could you please send your latest Audio2Face log file? It should be located inside C:\Users\<USERNAME>\.nvidia-omniverse\logs\Kit\Audio2Face on Windows and ~/.nvidia-omniverse/logs/Kit/Audio2Face on Linux?