aurix shell log command question

there is some command apply for log, like: canrxlog, on aurix shell
when I turn on the log, where can I access the log file?

Dear duanwendi,

It’s not a file, the canrxlog is a function to see CAN messages coming in Aurix on Aurix shell.

Dear duanwendi,
Please check sudo minicom -C -D /dev/ttyUSB1 if it helps.

operate as below:

1, enable aurixrx log
shell> canrxlog on
Info: Executing cmd: canrxlog, argc: 1, args: on
Warning: canrxlog will drastically decrease the performance of the CAN stack.
Press Ctrl+c key to stop.
Command Executed
2, on TegraA run ./sample_canbus_logger --driver=can.aurix --params=ip=,bus=a

I can get CAN message on TegraA like below:

nvidia@nvidia:/usr/local/driveworks/bin$ ./sample_canbus_logger --driver=can.aurix --params=ip=,bus=a
Program Arguments:

Initialize DriveWorks SDK v0.6.67
Release build with GNU 4.9.2 from v0.6.0-rc7-0-g51bd3aa against Vibrante PDK v5.0.5.0
TimeSource: monotonic epoch time offset is 1535505380015485
TimeSource: PTP ioctl returned error. Synchronized time will not be available.
TimeSource: Could not detect valid PTP time source at ‘eth0’. Fallback to CLOCK_MONOTONIC.
SDK: Resources mounted from /usr/local/driveworks-0.6/data/resources
nvrm_gpu: Bug 200215060 workaround enabled.
SDK: Create NvMediaDevice
egl::Display: found 2 EGL devices
egl::Display: use drm device: drm-nvdc
SDK: number of GPU devices detected 2
SDK: currently selected GPU device discrete ID 0
SAL: identified board as DrivePX2-TegraA
SensorFactory::createSensor() → can.aurix, ip=,bus=a
Cannot setup CAN message filters: DW_NOT_IMPLEMENTED
EndpointUDP: started
946686367671855 → 560 [8] 00 00 10 01 00 10 04 01
946686367672116 (dt=261) → 561 [8] 00 00 10 01 00 10 04 01
946686367672356 (dt=240) → 562 [8] 00 00 10 01 00 10 04 01
946686367672599 (dt=243) → 563 [8] 00 00 10 01 00 10 04 01
946686367672861 (dt=262) → 564 [8] 00 00 10 01 00 10 04 01
946686367673115 (dt=254) → 565 [8] 00 00 10 01 00 10 04 01
946686367673366 (dt=251) → 566 [8] 00 00 10 01 00 10 04 01

but on aurix shell nothing output

hello duanwendi,

please refer to DRIVEPX2 EASYCAN SETUP GUIDE, and DRIVE PX2 TIME SYNC GUIDE for environment configuration,

BTW, you could also use the utility for testing.
for example,

$ sudo ip link set can0 type can bitrate 500000 berr-reporting on
$ sudo ip link set up can0
$ /usr/bin/cangen -L i -I i can0

enable the canrxlog then you should be able to check the message as below.

shell> ID: 0x00000044 | Data: 0x4A 0x92 0x4F 0x5E 0x62 
ID: 0x00000045 | Data: 0xB5 0xA7 0x18 0x18 0xF4 0xD2 
ID: 0x00000064 | Data: 0xDA 
ID: 0x00000065 | Data: 0x58 0x73


I find not every CAN ID can be printed out by canrxlog.
In page 41 of EB-DrivePX_Software_User_Guide_DPX2_P2379.pdf, there is a table shows what CAN ID on which CAN port will be handled by Aurix

Dear fshi

Could you please give a download link of EB-DrivePX_Software_User_Guide_DPX2_P2379.pdf, you referenced.


It is already in SDK package.
