I recently bought a 2560x1440 360Hz monitor (monitor 1) and now my system freeze and/or some screens lose video signal several seconds in those different scenario:
~10 after system startup the system freezes several seconds (I can’t move cursor and caps/num lock keyboard led doesn’t respond)
Sometime system also freezes when I open display settings.
I get black screen on monitor 1 when I open/close/(un)focus a fullscreen game on that screen and my system is frozen (I can’t move the cursor on the other screens).
I get black screen + system freeze when I change display settings such as framerate, enabling/disabling G-Sync/HDR.
An annoter issue is my GPU and memory clocks never go bellow 1575 and 7750 MHz respectively so my GPU draws 64W instead of 22W before and that issue affects both Windows and Linux.
Edit: I tried to change the power management mode from " Optimal power" to “Adaptive” and it didn’t do anything.
That might not necessarily mean anything if you always drive three monitors at max resolution and frequency.
Does your system to work reliably if you disconnect the Alienware monitor?
Or if you only connect it one one of the others as a single monitor?
Can you try and use an earlier driver and see if that helps with your specific system?
MSI (144 Hz) and Iiyama (60 Hz) monitors only, the GPU clocks are stuck to 1575 and 7750 MHz but I don’t have freezes in Windows.
MSI (144 Hz) and Alienware (360 Hz) monitors only, I have the exactly same issues as if I have MSI (144 Hz) and Alienware (360 Hz) and Iiyama (75 Hz)
Freezes and black screens appear in Windows when I use the Alienware monitor even I disable VRR/G-Sync and/or HDR. It seems to be caused by Display Stream Compression (DSC) according to some users on Reddit: Reddit - Dive into anything
And the GPU clocks are stuck to 1575 and 7750 MHz in certain combination of screen refresh rate.
Hey @thesword53, thanks for all the additional detail.
So I went through our bug database and more. I found 1(!) similar case which roughly fits the problem you describe here and in your other threads. It is also related to high-refresh rate and high bit-rate monitors on a similar GPU (2080 Ti) and issues with screen blanks in accordance with VRR.
I will add this forum post as reference there and try to follow progress.
But as a kind of disclaimer: Even that one case has only the original reporter as a clear repro case, so far no in-house reproduction of the problem. Which makes it really difficult to try and debug this.
One possible reason which you probably don’t want to hear is that your GPU might be defective.
Another one is that the GPU in combination with the somewhat older CPU simply is not able to guarantee this kind of throughput even with DSC. I doubt it actually, but in case any of the monitors does not correctly support DSC or the DSC negotiation fails, the fall-back might break things.
One last straw:
Freezes and black screens appear in Windows when I use the Alienware monitor even I disable VRR/G-Sync and/or HDR.
Is this the case if you have only this monitor connected to the 2080 SUPER? If that is the case, we might better be able to set this up internally and try to reproduce.
Your reply looks suspiciously like ChatGPT, especially given the fact that this is your first post here.
If not, then you have my apologies.
But if it is, I kindly ask you to refrain from using AI generated answers in this forum, even if they might be useful suggestions. Although my impression of the OP is that he will likely have tried all of those already.
I have a dual boot Linux/Windows setup and on Linux I didn’t have any freeze or black screen.
But the GPU never goes bellow P0 power state if I connect the Alienware monitor even if nothing is running, so the GPU draws 64W instead of 22W. I was previously facing this issue with the drivers form 530 series and without the Alienware monitor.
I also have this bug with my RTX 2000 (Ada) in my laptop when hooked up to an LG Ultragear 144Hz 1440p display by itself.
My monitor just goes black and the OSD says its getting a 0Hz signal if I try to use G-Sync in any configuration. I tried new cables, other VRR displays, the works. I went to my monitor’s manufacturer and their team says its an Nvidia or Intel (since its my laptop with a discrete GPU) driver problem then.
I am using Windows 11 24H2. Latest bleeding edge or whatever drivers for both Nvidia and Intel as of posting.
I also got a tool from my laptop and dock manufacturer Lenovo to toggle Display Stream Compression (DSC), and nothing changed regarding VRR not working when engaged despite checking both toggle settings.
Your issue seems different from mine. I only get freezes and black screen when DSC is enabled in one of my screen regardless of whether VRR is on or off and they are not permanent.
Any screen related apps such as “Advanced display settings” or “Gaming Intelligence” from MSI freeze the Windows compositor.
I have black screens when alt-tabbing in fullscreen games or waking from idle (screen off).