I’m currently working with the Jetson Xavier NX 8GB for an object detection project (working with jetson_inference) which is designed to operate without a monitor attached to the Jetson, out in my hobby farm. Currently the system is crashing every 15 to 75 minutes, and after checking /var/log/syslog I find the following subsequent errors every time:
From what I understand the system is checking for a display, can’t find any attached (aka can’t get EDID data from a display), throws the invalid error and shuts down the display.
Because my program is rendering the frames to display://x in order to convert to numpy array and correctly pass into my inference net, I’m assuming this is causing the reliance on a display.
I’ve tried a headless ghost/dummy HDMI plug to no avail, and attempted to create a virtual display by modifying /etc/X11/xorg.conf which went disastrously and almost bricked the system. If anyone has any insight into how to bypass this issue please let me know or DM me.
From what I’m seeing it could be sda1 not being properly mounted? I am using a 500gb NVMe SSD as a boot drive because all the libraries I’m using won’t fit on the 16GB eMMC drive (I’m using Xavier production module with J202 carrier board from SeeedStudio).
This log was generated with a monitor and peripherals connected, it would be impossible to try extract dmesg logs after the board has crashed. After I observe a system crash, I bring the system back inside to plug into a monitor to look for error codes but I just see a frozen screen. I have to power cycle the system to open a terminal.
Can never be 100% about a custom board, however SeeedStudio state the J202 " has nearly the same design and function as NVIDIA® Jetson Xavier NX™ carrier board, perfectly works with Jetson Nano/Xavier NX/TX2 NX module" quoted from their website. I’ve used their J101 with Nano modules before with no problem.