I’m using TX2NX & JP 4.6.2. Planning to make stereo camera with disparity calculation from two image sensors.
My question is, can we configure the ISP to apply the same processing (color correction, tone curves, … auto exposure, gain, isp gain) for two image sensors? If yes, how to do?
Thank you.
This is not an answer, you may first precise if both sensors are same model or not for better advice.
Yes, they are identical. But this maybe not related to the question :)
The question is more about capability of ISP to apply the same setting for two image sensors.
Because even with two identical image sensors, the image on each sensor may be huge different in some cases, likes the object is too close to one sensor.
To prevent any inaccurate causes by difference ISP processing on individual sensor, I want the ISP to apply the same for both sensors.
I think that the ISP would have the capability to do that, but you may need closed ISP sw to do that.
hello HnilND,
may I know what’s the expectation.
are you going to share the ISP settings to those two identical cameras.
are you going to have identical image quality for those two identical cameras.
Hi Jerry.
I want the ISP to apply the same processing for two cameras. Let says the left camera is main one, ISP will based on what it did with left camera, do exactly the same for right camera.
hello HnilND,
let me confirm this…
you meant you would like have master (left) and slave (right) cameras. all 3A calculations were taking from master (left) and apply those settings to slave (right) cameras.
this is doable.
however, may I know what’s your actual use-case?
there might be some corner cases to cause abnormal image quality for slave camera.
Hi Jerry.
Yes, that is what I meant.
I understand that will have some cases the slave camera will have abnormal image. But that is acceptable.
My use case is just generic stereo camera & disparity calculation. But for now, I’m not sure the image color processing differently between left & right cameras will affect the disparity accuracy or not. So, need to clear what we can do with the image before feeding disparity algorithm.
Can you please share how to configure master & slave camera in ISP? Thank you.
hello HnilND,
there’s Argus sample application, syncSensor
you should install MMAPI package ($ sudo apt install nvidia-l4t-jetson-multimedia-api
), and you’ll see the following sources, /usr/src/jetson_multimedia_api/argus/samples/syncSensor
this is sample application to enable dual camera sensor, and creating single capture session based-on 1st cam (left-camera). all ISP settings of right camera are applied according to left camera.
this is also sample application for disparity checking. it’s using CUDA to compute the histogram and KL distance between left/right cameras.
hope this helps.
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