Can we use Mellanox Dynamix QSA28 (Black) unit with the ConnectX6 to convert to SFP28/SFP+/SFP transcievers in existing cabling?

We are trying to determine with we can swap 2 x ConnectX4 with 2 x ConnectX6 and NOT have to replace the existing cabling as part of standard testing. When we want to replace legacy servers,with newer ones, we are trying to standardize on the ConnectX6 and need to know this works. It’s very unclear the options we have to use this card with the existing cabling (if at all?)

Is there q QSS56 in the works?

The QSA28 provides the option to connect an SFP28/SFP+/SFP transceiver or cable to a QSFP28 port of an Nx100Gbps switch or network interface card (NIC).


G. Mobley

Hello Gregory,

Many thanks for posting your inquiry on the Mellanox Community.

As per the latest ConnectX-6 f/w RN → , Section 1.2.4 Validated and Supported 25GbE Cables, the MAM1Q00A-QSA28 module is supported for the 25GbE cables.

Many thanks,

~Mellanox Technical Support