Cannot build ffmpeg for Jetpack 4.6.1


I followed the ffmpeg building instruction in,but get error “fatal error: nvbufsurface.h: No such file or directory”.

Although I’ve found that header in my device, but the building still failed and the error goes to like “implicit declaration of xxx”.

Is this because while my jetpack version is 4.6.1 and it uses “nvbuf_utils” api, the latest ffmpeg src code uses “NvUtils” api and thus causes the building error?

If so, how can I get the older version of ffmpeg src code which supports hardware acceleration decoding?

Here is my jetson-release:

Please try the commands to fetch the package for Jetpack 4:

$ echo "deb-src main main" |  sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
$ sudo apt update
$ apt source ffmpeg=7:4.2.2-nvidia

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