Cannot load .vtk CFD files into Omniverse

I am using the Kit app template and I can’t seem to be able to load .vtk files into omniverse even after enabling the .vtk converter extension.


Hey @robert187
which KAT version are you running?

Hi @robert187 I am sorry for the delay but I have been testing this myself and investigating this issue. It seems that this VTK extension is designed for developers, and still requires a python interface to be programmed, installed. So whilst this extension is still valid, it is not designed to work without additional python code work. I believe I have answered this also in a different post of yours.

Here is the info in the About section, looks like it’s 106.3

Hello Richard! Thanks for looking into it, really appreciate it. Is there a way you could point me in the right direction for this python interface? with regards to the extension I guess, what is the expected input? What kind of manipulations should I do to my data for it to be recognized by omniverse?

Thank you!

I am sorry but I have no information on this at all. It is not something that anyone has asked for. Even the developers do not know. Let me check one more time with someone.

@robert187 If you want to just load VTK files into Omniverse you can go through the ParaView connector. It’ll convert the VTK files to USD.

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Yes, that would be the preferred way. We have a great connector for this. Can you try that?

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