I’ve been having problems with Nucleus for a week and can’t use this asset - male_bs_46.usd
The path to the file:
If possible, I want to ask this file here in comment or link to the file in goolge drive.
Thanks a lot.
Hi, can you be more specific on the Nucleus issues…is the only issue you’re having related to this file or are you having other connection issues as well?
For reference, here’s our Nucleus playlist: Playlist | PRODUCT - Omniverse Nucleus | NVIDIA On-Demand
General Nucleus documentation: Introduction — Omniverse Nucleus documentation
P.S. Fall GTC 2022 Sessions are now available for free viewing: GTC 2022: #1 AI Conference
P.P.S. Share your work in Omniverse! Submit to the Omniverse Gallery Page! Omniverse Gallery Submissions | NVIDIA
he / him | LinkedIn | Discord ID: Prof E#2041
Community Engagement for Omniverse: " A New Era of Digital Twins & Virtual Worlds with NVIDIA Omniverse" Video
What is NVIDIA Omniverse? Video | Check out the “Meet the Omnivore” blog series here
Omniverse Resources:
Omniverse | Documentation | Tech Requirements | Videos | Twitter | Discord | Twitch
The Omniverse documentation site has more info and links to all tutorial videos (under the “Learning and Feedback” category on left nav bar): Omniverse Platform Overview — Omniverse Developer documentation
PLEASE NOTE: If you are reporting a bug/issue, please provide OS, GPU, GPU Driver, the version of the app, and full log file (if applicable). For crashes, please zip and provide a link to your logs → C:\Users\ [YOUR NAME] \ .nvidia-omniverse\logs