I wanted to compile cuda fortran code on Jetson nano but I got a error as below.
$ nvfortran -Mcuda cuforTest.f90
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lcudafor_102
pgacclnk: child process exit status 1: /usr/bin/ld
Looking for the cause, I found that although the HPC SDK for Linux x86_64 includes the library for cuda 10.2,
it does not include it for arm. Is this related to this error?
I have installed the SDK which includes 3 versions for both x86_64 and arm and checked β/opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/(target)/22.7/compilers/libβ.
Looking for the cause, I found that although the HPC SDK for Linux x86_64 includes the library for cuda 10.2,
it does not include it for arm. Is this related to this error?
Correct. ARM requires CUDA 11 or above. Please see our release notes for supported platforms and configurations: