Hello everyone!!
Im starting on the jetson plattform and i want to try the [facemask detection from Nvidia](https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/face-mask-detection#nvidia-transfer-learning-toolkit-tlt-training-flow-)
but i find my self a bit lost here hopefully i can find some help here, I have listed pretty much every single problem that i encounter after training the data set, please ask me if i was not very clear or if you need to know more. Thanks!!!
i cant find this file( that i am aware i need to find it)
Transfer model files (.etlt), if int8: calibration file (calibration.bin)
Use config files from
$vi config_infer_primary_masknet.txt
- Modify model and label paths: according to your directory locations
I need to modify this line ( tlt-encoded-model=/mnt/8c3f68c9-a08a-400b-8c80-99c5fee26a06/detectnet_v2_models/detectnet_4K-fddb-12/resnet18_RGB960_detector_fddb_12_int8.etlt ) with my directory location my directory location to that file is this (/home/nx/Downloads/face-mask-detection-master/ds_config ) how will it look like?
- Look for
tlt-encoded-model, labelfile-path, model-engine-file, int8-calib-file
(where do i look for this information?? and how do i modify the tresholds?)
Modify confidence_threshold, class-attributes according to training
- Look for
classifier-threshold, class-attrs
i could not find this files as well and most likely i wont know how to modify them
se deepstream_config
files: $ vi deepstream_app_source1_masknet.txt
- Modify model file and config file paths:
- Look for
model-engine-file, config-file
- Look for
if it helps in anything here is my directory (/home/nx/Downloads/face-mask-detection-master)
this is the command i used to train
python3 data2kitti.py --kaggle-dataset-path “/home/nx/Downloads/face-mask-detection-master”
–mafa-dataset-path “/home/nx/Downloads/face-mask-detection-master/face-mask-detection-data/MAFA Dataset”
–fddb-dataset-path “/home/nx/Downloads/face-mask-detection-master”
–widerface-dataset-path “/home/nx/Downloads/face-mask-detection-master/face-mask-detection-data/Wider Face Dataset”
–kitti-base-path “/home/nx/Downloads/face-mask-detection-master/face-mask-detection”
–category-limit 6000
–tlt-input-dims_width 500 \ (i dont know why i used 500 but it worked if anyone could explain as well ill be very grateful for it)
–tlt-input-dims_height 500
–train (here should i put a number? )
the output of training
Kaggle Dataset: Total Mask faces: 4154 and No-Mask faces:790
Total Mask Labelled:4154 and No-Mask Labelled:790
Directory Already Exists
Directory Already Exists
/home/nx/Downloads/face-mask-detection-master/data_utils/mafa2kitti.py:51: RuntimeWarning: overflow encountered in ubyte_scalars
bbox = [_bbox_label[0], _bbox_label[1], _bbox_label[0]+_bbox_label[2], _bbox_label[1]+_bbox_label[3]]
MAFA Dataset: Total Mask faces: 6000 and No-Mask faces:232
Total Mask Labelled:6000 and No-Mask Labelled:232
Final: Total Mask Labelled:6000
Total No-Mask Labelled:4621