Cant initialize camera for Hello_camera in DLI course

Hello I am new to Jetson Nano. I have a Jetson Nano J1010 recomputer model. I want to complete DLI getting started with Jetson Nano course. I have both Logitech and CSI cameras working perfectly with navcapture command . Also these both seperately display in Jupiter notebook as connected … but I have an issue with image read, cant initialize camera.
I am using Jetpack 6.4.4 and I have no version of container for it and hence installed latest version of 6.4.1. Is it the issue? Please do help


To avoid compatibility issues, would you mind setup your device with JetPack 4.6.1 and try it again?

i am using SDK Manager [sdkmanager_2.1.0-11669_amd64.deb] and the available jetpacks in the SDK manager is 4.6.3 , 4.6.4 . I have attached image for your ref. Containers are not avaliable after 4.6.1…

The OS : Ubuntu 18.04 ; When I try to install [sdkmanager_1.9.2-10899_amd64 (1).deb] the older one, it throws an authorisation error - authorisation flow restricted.

Any suggestions would be of great great help


There is an SD card image available for Nano with JetPack 4.6.1.
Could you give it a try?


Hello I have a new issue … now i have reflashed the jetpack to 4.6.1 using sdkmanger-archievedversions and using container compatibl

e to 4.6.1 but I have the same issue

sudo docker run --runtime nvidia -it --rm --network host --volume ~/nvdli-data:/nvdli-nano/data --volume /tmp/argus_socket:/tmp/argus_socket --device /dev/video0

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