Can't start up the TX2, The first time power on TX2, display show nothing

Can’t start up the TX2, The first time power on TX2, display show nothing, how to solve this? the LEDs seems normal on board, but the display has nothing to show. Thanks

Hi Song_Jianping,

Have you tested with other display? You also can refer to to below thread to see if can help:


I have checked with good display and HDMI wire(I have another Xavier ,Xavier can show on display)

I can’t understand the thread you mentioned, for my situation, do you know how to troubleshooting? or it is a bad tx2? Thanks

How to print logs for further troubleshooting? Thanks.

Two methods to get the log.

  1. Use a UART debugger to get the boot kernel message.
  2. Use ssh to remote access the device and use command “dmesg” to get the kernel log.

If the boot up hangs, only (1) could work.

UART debugger? do your side have a guide to work accordingly? like what hardware and software I need to work accordingly?
any training I can attend to learn faster on TX2 and xavier? Thanks.

Some link for you.